Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The History...

Nick, my Husband, and I started an HCG company over a year ago after our astonishing results with the diet. 
I was just amazed... I have done it all...
Weight Watchers
South Beach
Detoxing Diets
3 Day Diet (I know laugh it was a Fav!)
Cabbage Soup Diet
And last but not least...

I admit I was a diet junky...
I have really always been on and off diets. I have never been extremely overweight, but I would be if I was'nt always doing one of these. I was on Weight Watchers I think starting in 8th or 9th grade. I had a girl ask me one time when I was a Jr in HS why I was always on a diet because I wasn't fat... I answered I would be if I wasn't on a diet. It sounds crazy. It was a battle I never wanted to fight if it got out of hand, so I knew I always had to watch it. Being naturally thin was not the genes I got! 

When Nick and I first started dating he looked at my book shelf and started laughing because I owned ever diet book ever written!

With PRIDE I can say I have thrown them all out!
After I completed the HCG diet I had lost 17 Lbs in 23 days... It was simple and SO fast.
I didn't have any hunger pangs, jitters, or CRAZY moodiness.
Anyone that has dieted before knows ALL about these!!!

I really believe the HCG Diet is...

In 3 weeks I was a size 6. I hadn't seen that number since 9th grade (on Weight Watchers)
I kept it off every bit and I was eating normal...
DID you hear me... 
 cake balls I had made for a tailgate and NOT gaining any weight!


then... I GOT PREGNANT 4 months LATER...

Tenley June was born June 29, 2010.

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